12. Being a Good Samaritan can be difficult, at times

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12. Being a Good Samaritan can be difficult, at times

Wednesday ,September 5, 2012 –  we started the day with

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I drove to work this morning thinking about a question I had seen on the channel early in the morning. I chose not to reply to it straight away because I wanted some input from some of my colleagues who also come from India.  Driving helps me think because it uses up one side of my brain and allows the other side to process. 

Imagine my surprise, therefore, when I noticed there was something strange about the car in front of me! Then I connected the dots…  keys were hanging from the trunk (boot, for my British friends)! My logical mind was saying “how on earth is she driving the car without her keys?” Keyless car? Nope, it was too old for that. Spare set? Yes, I thought. Maybe she had gone to put something in the trunk/boot and got distracted. Went back into the house and then couldn’t find her keys – that made sense to me – so she picked up her spare set. It computed in my brain. Then, the part of my brain that “awfulizes” things started thinking “what if she drives home and someone steals the keys? Will they be able to steal her car? Yes. Will they be able to gain access to her home? Probably.

I followed her for about 5 minutes with, for once, every traffic light (robot for my South African readers) turning green. When does that ever happen?! Eventually, we stopped and I gave a quick, light, bip on my horn/hooter. A second one got her attention and she was not amused. She probably thought I was trying to get her to hurry up or was stalking her – remember, I had been following her for about 5 minutes! I lowered my window and stuck my head out in the hope she would do the same. Apparently, I did not look like the sort of person who you want to stick your head out of a window for. I started using body language – twisting my hand as though I had keys in it and unlocking something and then, with the other hand, pointing to the back of her car. She looked totally confused and somewhat angry. I just continued the two guestures and then… she got it. A huge smile and a thumbs up and she drove away.

Sometimes being a Good Samaritan can be difficult.

Achievements: Did a good deed today, got a big smile, eventually. Crocheted some more of the blankie, felt a lot more relaxed now that I feel the major learning curve has been conquered. 

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