24. We hit 12,000 views in 5 weeks!

Goals are strange things. Just five weeks ago I rushed downstairs to beg someone to view my first upload – that was Ang. Bless her. She will always be my first viewer! 

Five weeks later, I am watching the numbers crawl their way up to 12,000 views. I say crawl because you have to know just how exciting this is, for me. I never thought we would get this level of response, this many wonderful comments or this level of questions being sent. 

I can still remember staying up that first night watching the numbers go from 0 – 503 in 24 hours. It was mind-blowing to me. I now watch the numbers steadily grow by the day, as if by magic. 

I have learned a lot and I notice that my expectations of myself and the channel are growing exponetially – now my confidence is growing, my skills are improving and the learning curve is a little less hectic.

Of course, that voice in my head, that I call Gertrude, is trying to spoil my day with questions like “how are you going to have enough to feed this monster?” and “this could turn into a full time job, if you are not careful”. I am determined to enjoy every part of it. As I said, in the very first blog, I don’t want to miss a thing or feel any less amazed with every step forward I take.

What I find so wonderful is the growing level of support for what we are doing here. People are so kind. They keep writing and thanking me for taking the time, keep telling me how much they needed something like the DearMamaSal channel on YouTube – just so supportive of what we are trying to do. It keeps me going. Keeps me trying to battle through the learning curve(s) and moving forward.

This is a milestone day. 12,000 views achieved. I had a personal goal to try and reach 15,000 by the end of September and I doubt we will reach that but we surely are going in the right direction!

A couple of strange things have happened. For example, we lost a country! Not sure if it fell off the edge of the world or what happed but for the longest time we had 109 countries who had viewed the channel and, the last time I checked, we had 108. Intellectually, it has me baffled. Maybe someone can explain it to me. 

Views:        12,002
Subscribers: 1,284
Blog views:  1,268

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