Aug 5, 2013 ~ “Seriously? I look pregnant!”

It is strange what motivates you. We each have a breaking point. A point where all the excuses in the world just don’t cut it any more. Mine came this past week when, to my disgust, I turned sideways to my mirror and realized just how pregnant I looked.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I had great rationalizations (rational-liesations). Most revolved around the fact that I had not smoked in over 500 days and it was understandable that I had packed on some weight. Sure but that was 571.5 days ago (I have a spreadsheet set up to remind me on a frequent basis!!!). I look delightful. Sure I do. If I don’t look below my sagging chins to my bloated belly. Or try and fit into last year’s summer clothes or shoes.

I said to one of my friends that I thought I probably should lose about 100 lbs! She (kindly) said I was exaggerating. I went and checked four different websites. I was wrong. It was only between 56 – 84 lbs, based on my age, height and the various surveys! Yeah, that is better than 100.

Looking pregnant is my breaking point. My first goal is to get back to my weight before I gave up smoking before the end of the summer. I am not pregnant. I am downright obese! Enough is enough. No more lies. No more excuses.

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